Blog Archives

Lace Dresses in 9 new colours

I recently received a request to release my lace dress in more colors. Previously this dress was only available in black, white and tan. As pictured above, I’ve gone ahead and created 9 new deep hues. I’ve also updated the fatpack to include these new versions.

Now I also forgot something last time I did a new release, normally Riddle group members receive 50% off all new releases for the first 24hrs. I completely spaced on this with my last release (Beach Time Dresses). Sooo for the next 24hrs group members will receive 50% off the new lace dresses as well as the beach time dresses released last week. Sorry for this over sight!

Be sure to wear your group tag when you purchase and you will be refunded half the purchase price. Also please be advised that this 50% discount is only on individual purchases and NOT fatpacks. Group member -always- receive 20% off fatpacks (which are already at a deep discount). This offer is only valid at the Atomic Island location for the next 24hrs.

RIDDLE – Main Store:

SLURLS after the cut…
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